Hello Redhat developers..
I want to make bootable CD image for updating rpms using redhat 7.1 and anaconda.
I generated hdlist using genhdlist in anaconda-runtime packages :)
and i tried to execute mk-image /rpm/soruce/directory   /ANACONDA  /usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/boot i386
the /ANACONDA directory contains RedHat/instimages/usr/lib/anaconda*
it make and write *.img  but in processing there are some error with ERROR message:  "There is no space on your devices(?) "
anyway.. i made CD-ROM image using that *.img ( i think, it is properly on my new IMAGE directory for making CD-rom image..),
As i tried to boot it, there occured errors:  "There is no file or directory" when executing anaconda
Where is anaconda? is it contained img?
How can i boot  the cdrom using anaconda??
Thanks redhat developers :)

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