> I guess since know one has responded to this question concerning a 
> clean way for an RPM to alter the MANPATH (i.e. alter it non-destructively
> and using a safe mechanism to do so) says that there is not such a 
> clean method (please someone correct me if I am wrong).  If this is the case
> then perhaps a later RedHat release could consider this.  I can think of a
> few ways of acomplishing this, but probably the simplest would be to
> do something like HP does, which I mentioned in the P.S. of my previous 
> email:
>       P.S. on HP/UX the system MANPATH was constructed from the file 
>       /etc/MANPATH which contained a : delimited list of directories, 
>       which made it very easy for depots (HP rpms) to alter the MANPATH, 
>       and was very necessary in an architecture where most every package 
>       gets its own directory under /opt.
> The key problem I see with this method is that I don't believe gnu man suppor
> ts
> this (again I would like to be wrong), but what I think could easily be done 
> is

I'm sure it does, but I can't be bothered reading the man page.

I'm sure reading the man page will provide all the answers.

I'd not undo the changes when the rpm is removed though - it just might be 
possible that something else wants the  same change.

I recommend using grep to test whether the change is actually needed, than maybe 
ed to implement it.

Plenty of man pages to read there;-)

> add a command that at startup would alter the man.config to contain the
> the MANPATH found in this file.  On the other hand, another approach that 
> may be better would be to provide command on a redhat system that would allow
> one to add a MANPATH statement to the man.config.  This thing command would
> be fully aware of the man.config syntax, so that it could:
>       - add the MANPATH in clean way.
>       - make sure that it had not already been added.
> I guess you would have in the %pre r %post section of your spec file somethin
> g
> like:
>       add2manpath directory_to_add
> Food for thought...james
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John Summerfield

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        be right!

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