> ...Not that this has anything to do with the original topic but since you
> mention ClearCase, I'll briefly add that _every_single_person_ I know who
> knows the source-code management marketplace says to stay away from
> ClearCase like it's the plague. Favored systems are cvs and Perforce.
Well, it actually does have some very positive attributes, but its way of 
doing things is totally different from something like CVS (both of which I have
used).  clearcase, though, is not cheap by anyone's imagination.  Their concept
of a mvfs (i.e. a versioning filesystem) is _very_ cool.  I personally would 
like to see a open source version of it (along with a truly functional and 
working translucent filesystem (-:).

Also, you have to realize that CVS to has some weak points.  Mostly they are 
in the area of what do you do with files you no longer want part of 
a tree at all?  Never quite found a good solution for this but I am not saying
its not out there either.

As it is though the current company I am working with has invested heavily in
clearcase and so any solution would require it.


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