On Fri, 15 May 1998, Michael wrote:

> Could someone pleace explain to me what the major differences are between:
> Redhat Linux, FreeBSD, Caldera, SuSe and Slackware ?
All packages have their advantages/disadvantages. Just to name a few:
+ Excellent documentation
+ A lot of software (4 CD's), RPM based
+ One tool (yast) to setup the complete environment
+ Standard ISDN support for internal ISDN cards
- The translation into English is not yet 100% complete
- Not glibc based (libc5)
- Still some nasty errors in yast

+ Very stable, easy to setup
+ glibc based
+ Excellent support in the mailling lists
+ A lot of software available on ftp.redhat.com or mirrors
- Some packages are a bit outdated (e.g. gs)
- No ISDN support for internal ISDN cards in standard
- Documentation is not as good as in Suse.

I don't know the others, but believe FreeBSD is different in structure
than the linux versions you mentioned. 

Next time you wave, use all your fingers. 

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