On Fri, 15 May 1998, Dave Wreski wrote:

>FreeBSD: selfish development, less userbase meaning more difficult
>install, configuration, etc.  And by `less', I mean like 4.5 million
>less..  In my unbiased opinion, I really don't see a need to use FreeBSD

And to be more correct, don't mention FreeBSD in the same breath as
these others. It's not a Linux, or a distribution of Linux, like the
others, of course.

But at any rate, the development is more controlled than it is in Linux,
and that could be a good or a bad thing, depending on what one needs.
It's kind of like a distribution in itself, compared to Linux, which is
a kernel + whatever else people want to use.

It's true about the userbase, but FreeBSD is supposed to run Linux
binaries, so that may not be an issue.

Disclaimer: I haven't seen FreeBSD in a long time. I used to use the
predecessor, though, the original Jolitz 386BSD, before I jumped ship 
and switched to  Linux.

>SuSe: don't know much about that, other than its very popular in Germany,
>and has a very large selection of packages.

Yes, very large. It's like getting the powertools CD set rather than
just the one CD.  I've read reviews of it, and one person (he wrote the
review for Linux Journal) says that the manual is top-notch -- better
than anything else he's seen.

I know people local who use it, so it's gaining some popularity, I
suppose, outside of Germany.

>Slackware: no package management, no PAM, more difficult config.

Well, it does have pkgtool :).


David E. Fox                 Tax              Thanks for letting me
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