
* While FreeBSD is great, it so far only supports SMP in
-CURRENT, and at that it is a giant-lock scheme like Linux
2.0.x has. If more processors will help, Linux is a little
ahead on this.

* If your internal networking setup can take advantage
of it, Donald Becker's net card drivers for Linux are a
big plus. People generally have very good results with
the DEC Tulip based cards; the NetGear 10/100 adapter
is a fairly good but inexpensive example of these.

* On the back of that Buslogic, you might want to get
a real SCSI-to-SCSI RAID box, with cache memory *and a
battery*. The RAID, beyond the potential for better I/O
throughput, is about the only way you can reliably protect
your users' mail spool files in a real-time fashion.
Few PCI-slot RAID controllers (e.g. DPT) have battery
backup for the cache. If you are in to it, you can fairly
easily toss a RAID box together yourself using the Kingston
DS-500 SCSI enclosures & DE100 hot-swap trays, a CMD
CRD-5440 controller, a lead-acid battery, extra fans &
power supplies for the Kingston, and various cables. Do
yourself a favor, tho, and get drives off CMD's HCL and
make sure that they are flashed with the firmware CMD
recommends. Also, you can download the CMD manuals from if you want to see what you would be
getting in to before you try it. You'll also need an
ANSI serial console for the CMD controller... either
Kermit, Seyon or some other Linux terminal emulator,
or a real VT220-type glass tube will work.


Bob Drzyzgula                             It's not a problem
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   until something bad happens

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