Is it getting a little hot in here ??

        *whew* .. settle


On Tue, 19 May 1998, Frederic Woodbridge wrote:

> Quoting Chuck Carson:
> > 
> > Linux can out perform NT maybe, but Solaris? That is like
> > comparing a GEO Metro to a Mercedes Benz IMHO.
> Oh please! Give me a break! 
> > 
> > Linux wouldn't stand a chance against Solaris nor would
> > any other Unix save AIX. I have personally ran test suites on IRIX,
> > Solairs 2.6, AIX, and Linux. We were looking at using some
> > Linux machines at the University I worked for but Linux failed
> > to measure up, and AIX hardware costs too much, so we went
> > with Ultra Sparcs and Solaris.
> You must have been out in the "Sun" too long, my friend, you've gone
> "squirly"  First, you've given us no hard evidence except your word, which
> after reading your assertions above, doesn't count for much. Second, you
> have given no basis for comparison here.  Were you running Linux on a 
> 386 and comparing performance with a Sun UltraSPARC II ?  Jesus, you must
> learn to be specific!
> > 
> > The only reason linux is so popular is it is free and most of the
> > software is free. Solaris has a far more robust kernel and their
> > C/C++ compilers are unparralled in performance and ability.
> > 
> Oh yeah, Maestro, that's the reason. 
> > Don;t get me wrong, I like RH, I think it is great for the Unix community,
> > but comparing it to Solaris is a no no. There is a reason Solaris costs
> > nearly $500 bucks and its compilers $1500. Anyone that has worked
> > on a nicely equipped Ultra will know what I mean.
> Yeah, and if Linus were to have believed that piece of crap philosophy, 
> there'd be no Linux today.  Oh yeah, I have $2000 to throw away for software
> and another $10,000 for a clone SPARC. I hate people who think like you do:
> If I pay a heck of a lot of money for something, it *must* be worth it!  
> There's no such thing as free software.  If it's free, it must suck!  
> You know what, just shut up, retardo.
> > 
> > I personally think IBM's AIX is the best Unix out there but being as dumb
> > as IBM is, they cannot market shit and their hardware is hideously over-
> > priced.
> > 
> Oh, another scintillating tidbit from the Maestro!  Any idiot worth his
> salt as a computer user would tell you AIX stands for Ain't unIX!  Jesus, AIX
> command interface reminds me of what a 2 year old kid on acid would type
> if given a keyboard.  That does it, you are officially a moron! Now shut up
> and die! :)
> > My 2 bits,
> Yeah, you're a two-bit alright!
> --
> Frederic Woodbridge
> Network Administrator,
> Anexis, Incorporated
> -- 
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