Hey all.  I'm trying to figure out how to set up xauth, LBX and
ssh-forwarded X connections.  To start with, I modified my system-wide
startx to generate a cookie every time I run it by putting 
        mcookie|sed -e 's/^/add :0 . /'|xauth -q
        xinit $clientargs -- $serverargs -auth "$HOME/.Xauthority"
at the end.  I think this is working Ok.  The problem is that now, when I
telnet to a Sun running Solaris 2.5.1 (with an empty xhost access list) I
still get "Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server" and the
server says "AUDIT: Fri May 22 07:51:12 1998: 7440 X: client 16 rejected
from IP xxx.xxx.xxx.xx port 52805" which leads me to believe that the Sun
isn't honoring the xauth stuff.  

That's one problem.  Here's another (related?) one:  I've got a connection
through the firewall to an AIX machine via ssh.  From the Risc, I can
popup an X client on my local machine, so I know the X forwarding is
working properly.  If I get the xauth cookies properly distributed between
the Risc and a Linux box in the same lab, I can point the X client on the
Linux box to use the display on the Risc and get the client to show up on
my local screen.  Now, if, from the Linux box, I start the LBX proxy like
so: "lbxproxy -display Risc:10.0 :1 &" and then try to do a "xlogo
-display :1" from the Linux box, I get:
        Xlib: connection to ":1.0" refused by server
        Xlib: Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key
        Error: Can't open display: :1
on the remote machine and 
AUDIT: Fri May 22 07:58:59:1998: 7440 X: client 17 rejected from LBX proxy at localhost
 Authname: MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 ID: -1

So, somehow I need to properly set up authentication between my local
machine (behind a firewall without an officially assigned IP) and the
Linux box with the LBX proxy.  I've tried doing
        xauth nlist | ssh remotehost /usr/X11R6/bin/xauth nmerge -
from my local machine, but I get the same result.  This happens with and
without the Risc in the middle.  I can use ssh to connect from my machine
to the Linux box.  

What am I doing wrong?


B r i a n  L a l o r                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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  Pinky:  Uh, I think so, Brain, but balancing a family and a career ...
          oooh, it's all too much for me.

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