>Hello, I'm brand stinkin new to this list, and couldn't really find much
>the linux faq to explain what is happening to my redhat 5 install.  I'm
>a linux pro, but i'm not too shabby(kinda new to all this)

>here's the machine:
>dual ppro 200
>512 ram
>18 gig drive space

>This server's main and ONLY function is http functions.  I recently
>installed frontpage extensions(yuk) sucessfully.

>I rebooted the server this morning.  upon mounting and checking
>filesystems,  I started bringing errors like:

>"forced mount on filesystem"   <--  this isn't exact wording

Your partitions have reached the maximum mount count. If this count is
exceeded, the ENTIRE filesystem is checked.

>Booting took a very long time to complete, hard drive light was >partially
>on most of the time while this "forcing" occured.

Not strange, with 1 HD of 18 Giga....

>Problem is this:  once booted, everything works normal, except this >time
>when i ran "top" and checked memory usage, it showed that i had >used 507
>out of my 512 total ram!  hmmmm   Why?  normally, it only uses 15 >meg to
>boot, and jumps to 32 when xwindows is loaded.  From there it >normally
>caches stuff into ram as needed, after a week or so, it only utilizes >190

This is due to caching, it will get stable after some time...

>is this normal?  why the problem mounting my filesystems?  I wasn't

This isn't a problem, this is normal.

>person who did the setup on this machine, i just administer it.

>-Matt Teagarden
>Cobweb Internet Services


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