>Hello all.  I just recompiled my kernel, loaded it onto a floppy and
>booted it.  It works fine and does what it's supposed to (mostly).  But it
>doesn't make the new kernel image the permenent one.  Unless I boot from
>the floppy, it returns to the old kernel.  I tried messing around with the
>lilo, but it had no effect.  Any ideas?  Someone on the #Linux IRC told me
>to try "make zLilo", but in all the info I have I've never even seen that
>mentioned.  He said it would install itself as the new kernel image.  Is
>that right, it seems odd that I haven't seen it mentioned before.

Unfortunately I do not remember the name of the directory that contains the
compiled kernel, but it is listed in the README file.  In any event, did
you make a backup of the current kernel in the /boot area?  Did you copy
the new kernel from the compiled area to /boot?  Did you edit /etc/lilo.conf
and put in a new entry for the old kernel (just in case you need to use it)
and put in an entry for the new kernel (edit the entry for the current
bootable kernel).  Did you then run /sbin/lilo?

If you didn't do any of the above steps, booting the new kernel will not work.

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