Greetings fellow red-hatted geeks!

Hope you all enjoyed the Linux Expo.  If you weren't there, you missed out.  
Best conference I've ever attended.

So, the question is, how does one access the firewalling menu(s) in 
linuxconf?  I've played with the demo at the linuxconf page and was 
impressed.  I couldn't get the screens to pop up on my laptop, which only 
has one interface, so I built a server, stuffed in two cards, etc.  Still no 
firewalling menus....

A quick troll (note:  quick!) through the srpm sources leads me to believe 
that they are the same as the normal linuxconf distro, so what am I missing?


BTW:  We are looking for technical staff.  Email me direct if interested.
|  Al Potter                                           Senior Analyst |
|                                               Network Security Labs |
|                         International Computer Security Association |
|  Anti Am-Spay:            apotter (at-yay) planetcable (ot-day) net |
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|  FWIW:         When spam-bots can parse piglatin, we're ewed-scray. |

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