
Has anyone had any problems with SAC and the wtmp file ?

We do a command such as this:

[root@einstein /root]# sac -w /var/log/wtmp -s 06/05/98 -e 06/05/98 ipax

and get the result:

Total:         0.00 over 1 days.

However, as you can see below, the user 'ipax' has been logged into this 
machine for a few hours:

[root@einstein /root]# last
root     ttyp1        quasar.mel.ipax. Sat Jun  6 02:31   still logged in
mattc    ttyC0        38400            Sat Jun  6 01:41 - 01:42  (00:01)
jcarroll ttyC0        38400            Sat Jun  6 01:33 - 01:36  (00:02)
mattc    ttyC0        38400            Sat Jun  6 01:17 - 01:20  (00:02)
gedda    ttyC1                         Sat Jun  6 00:43   still logged in
jchandle ttyC2                         Sat Jun  6 00:38   still logged in
jdp      ttyC0        38400            Sat Jun  6 00:01 - 00:56  (00:55)
ipax     ttyp1        quasar.mel.ipax. Fri Jun  5 22:49 - 02:31  (03:42)
rufus    ttyC0        38400            Fri Jun  5 22:46 - 22:53  (00:06)
rufus    ttyC0                         Fri Jun  5 22:43 - 22:46  (00:03)
root     ttyp1        quasar.mel.ipax. Fri Jun  5 22:36 - 22:49  (00:12)
ipax     ttyp1        quasar.mel.ipax. Fri Jun  5 22:36 - 22:36  (00:00)
root     ttyp1        quasar.mel.ipax. Fri Jun  5 22:36 - 22:36  (00:00)

wtmp begins Fri Jun  5 22:36:23 1998

We restartted the wtmp file as it seemed to be corrupted.

What are we doing wrong? Is there  abug in SAC? nothing is mentioned in the 
errata and the sac version (1.3-1) is only quite new.

System is a redhat 5.0



                  IPAX Systems
              Melbourne, Australia
            National Systems Manager
            Ops Tel:   1800 894 894
            Ops Fax:  03 - 9801-8533
        Web Site http://www.ipax.com.au

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