On Thu, 4 Jun 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > For added protection, install some form of packet filter, and drop
> > > malformed packets, short packets, long packets, OOB data, and all incoming
> > > protocols on ports you're not actively binding programs to in inetd.conf.
> > Does anyne have a packet filetr like this?
> Anyway, the one I'm most familiar with is called IP Filter, and it is
> freeware.
Packet filtering is also built into the Linux kernel. I would assume that
it deals properly with incorrect packets (i.e. by discarding them), and
you can set up firewall rules to block traffic to unused ports (or, more
properly, allow the traffic you want and then block the rest by default).
Take a look at http://www.wolfenet.com/~jhardin/ipfwadm.html for a GUI
wrapper around the firewall command that will make managing it a bit
easier for you.
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