Someone really needs to write an FAQ for people moving from Windows to
Linux. I shall if no-one else has...
> Sent: 07 June 1998 05:48
> Subject: Re: RH5.0 stability compared to Windows NT4?
> Word is a bloated chunk of sh**. It's so slow and over-rated. I use
> PageMaker for all my documents. It's expensive, but 5x easier to use and
> faster and more capable than Word. Yes, I use it on Windows... Have done
> so since 1988.
I remember when I was writing a letter for someone over a speakerphone (holy
half-duplex, Batman :P) and my NT machine BSOD'd. I moved over the the W95
machine & carried on typing while the NT one rebooted; then I had to
cut&paste the documents together. The client never knew. Has anyone else got
a similar story of why they're moving to Linux?
It's not just the OS which can be a bit unstable (someone described NT4 as
NT3.51's "older, slightly mad brother"), it's the apps. Am I right in
thinking, however, that if KDE or CDE or whatever desktop you're running
crashes, your apps continue running?
Pagemaker 6.5 is the principal reason I'm not deleting my NT partition when
I move to Linux. Mind, I expect it won't be long before someone rewrites a
good DTP package for Linux. I've already seen WordPerfect and CorelDraw for
My mother asked me, "How come my [low-end 486 with Word6 and Windows3.1]
hardly ever crashes but your [233MHz 586 with Word97 and NT4 sp3] crashes
all the time?"
In the end, after abortive attempts at explaining Windows architecture in
terms of cars, the best I could do was, "Well, Windows 3.1 is stable and NT4
isn't. It's embarrassing that they come from the same company." It *is*
really unfortunate, isn't it?
> I use Linux for ALL my internet stuff. Web browsing (much faster and more
> reliable) It's my job. (the internet stuff)
If it's not commercially sensitive, may I ask you what software you use to
build your websites? Do you have trouble finding software to create, edit &
check things like Java and Javascript?
> Never lost data due to a buggy application or due to Redhat. Not a byte...
> System backups are fully automated and go to a BIG hard drive on another
> linux machine. Very fast and easy to restore if needed.
Backups to a hard drive? Interesting. I have a friend (ex-bike fanatic, now
moved over to computers & he's pretty good, although a bit funny.. He's used
to Kawasaki XJ427 with M52 overshafts & now it's 466MMX with SDRAM etc.) who
does that & he swears by it, but it scares me a bit cos it's not as stable
as backing up to tape.
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