Hi everybody...

I'm  new  to  the  Linux world and I'm having trouble with RH 5.0 (2.0.31-7
kernel) and my Sony cdu33a CD ROM. For the initial installation I had to do
it  from  one of the DOS Partitions and everything seemed to go as expected
(even  I  could  configure my Sounblaster 16 card  and my Xwindows sessions
easily)  except  the  CD ROM. I've tried several workarounds like trying at
initial boot the following : ramdisk=cdu31a........etc, etc.

then in lilo.conf : append="cdu31a=0xXXX"....etc, etc.

I've  tried with both the original Sony interface card and the Soundblaster
16  interface  card.  This CD ROM works OK under W95 using either interface
card. Any ideas on how to resolve this ?.


Juan Carlos Linares.

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