I installed "check-packages" on our RH Linux 5.1 machine a few weeks ago.
 Last night I got the following message:

check-packages run on Mon Jun 29 04:02:18 EST 1998
Listing installed packages...
376 packages installed
changes from previous run...
Checking Packages...
changes from previous run...
< missing    /dev/printer
> ..5....T   /dev/printer
< .M....G.   /dev/ttyp0
> .M...U..   /dev/ttyp0
runtime 1585 seconds

(If you haven't heard of "check-packages", all it is a handy script that
runs a "rpm -Va" every night and emails you a summary of its findings,
somewhat like a Redhat specific TripWire)

I had never seen any entries regarding /dev/printer before, and it seemed
rather odd that it as listed as missing and then as failing the MD5
checksum and Timestamp check.  I went in and took a look at /dev/printer:

[root@wtlinux:/root]$ ls -l /dev/printer
srw-------   1 root     root            0 Jun 28 22:54 /dev/printer=

So somehow /dev/printer had been changed into a socket file.  I
reinstalled the dev-2.5.9-1 RPM and it installed a /dev/printer that was a
named-pipe.  When I rebooted the server, /dev/printer was back to a socket

Should I suspect this as the work of a hacker, or is there some other



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