>Which new chips??
>IN> Has any one had any experience with the new wintel chips and RH5

He's referring (as he perhaps slightly misstated) to the IDT Winchip
(AKA C6) CPU's, I assume.

They are x86 compatible chips that currently come in speeds of 180, 200
and 225 MHz.  They are dirt cheap, but also quite slow compared to their

It is claimed by IDT's info that these chips have been tested with Linux
as well as numerous other alternate OS's.  However, they are 'optimized'
(their word not mine) for Windows systems.  Why they call them optimized
when they are slower under nearly all circumstances than their
competitors at similar clock speeds continues to baffle me.

Nonetheless, a local computer reseller here in Houston
(http://www.chipsmart.com) offers up a well equipped Winchip box
(200MHz, 32MB ram, 2 meg video, 2.1 HD, etc.) for $399... A poor design
can be forgiven if it's cheap enough.  I've been tempted to buy a couple
just to have the fun of setting up a small Beowulf cluster.  Then I come
to my senses.
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