On Sun, 7 Jun 1998, Eric Cifreo wrote:

->No, I didn't use cabaret.  That must be a 5.x thing.  My copy is on a UPS 
->truck headed to Texas right about now.  My fstab didn't list the cdrom: 
->just all my hda partitions and my floppy (and proc).  I found the driver 
->for my Matshita CR581: it's sbpcd(0,1,2,3) there's multiple choices.  Tried 
->a mknod with that info.  Edited my fstab too.  Now I try "mount -t iso9660 
->I get "/dev/cdrom is not a block device."
Hmmmm...(-->this is my favorite start of an answer),

Don't know anything about the Matsushita CD-ROMS. Never had a block
problem either...

Does your fstab look like this:

/dev/cdrom      /mnt/cdrom      iso9660 noauto,ro       0 0

where /dev/cdrom is your device and /mnt/cdrom the mountingpoint.
With this in your fstab you should mount the device with "mount

The thing I'm not sure about is if the device and mountingpoint should't
be linked. Maybe somebody is listening and could mail his feedback?

In case of yes, you might try to link them with ln -fi /dev/cdrom

Hope it helps,

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