-----Original Message-----
From: Igmar Palsenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sunday, June 07, 1998 7:28 AM
Subject: Re: Multiple harddrives seen as one?

>Don't think RAID is what he means. I think he means combining multiple
>block-devices in one. RAID is putting the SAME data on more then one

RAID level 0 is striping.

RAID level 1 is mirroring.

RAID levels 3, 4, and 5 are striping with parity.

RAID level 0 is often not referred to as RAID at all.  I believe it's not
part of the "official" RAID definition, but if so it's certainly a defacto

There's also an option that I call "concatenation" (not sure what official
name is) where you write everything onto one disk until it's full, then go
on to the next one.  It doesn't have a RAID name.  RAID 0 would give you
better throughput, and acheive the same effect in terms of space.

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