On Fri, 19 Jun 1998, Dan Kirkpatrick wrote:

> I've gotten autofs working for NIS but it won't mount off the root
> directory... I thought maybe you could help if you do anything like this...
> I've been told to install "autofs" for automounting...
> did that, have NIS running and the machine can do a ypcat auto.direct...
> after installing the rpm for Red Hat 5.0, it starts up with:
> /usr/sbin/automount /- yp auto.master soft
> Here's the automount tables on the NIS master running DEC OSF/1:
> auto.master:
> /-      auto.direct     -soft            (I get the same problem if I put
> /tmp_mnt here)

Are you talking about autofs or am-utils here?

am-utils might be able to do something like this... but maybe
not.  Am-utils uses /.automount to mount stuff... there is no
/tmp_mnt on Linux systems, AFAIK.

Now, autofs is the one that has the /etc/auto.master config file.
The way autofs works is to actually mount the partition under
which it will control.  I *don't* think that it can do any
automounting directly under /.  If you wanted to automount /opt,
for example, I think you would have to set autofs up under some
other directory (like /mnt/autofs) and then make a symlink to
/mnt/autofs/opt that is called /opt...

Sun's automounter recognizes the /- syntax, but I don't know
if Linux's autofs does.  I think that Sun's automounter uses
/tmp_mnt and symlinks stuff, so that is why it works...

Kirk Bauer -- Georgia Tech -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] <== Finger for PGP
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