On Mon, 29 Jun 1998, Scott wrote:

> I was wondering if someone could help me here.  My Linux server (runs ftp
> and quake2) keeps dying with a the following error: "kernel panic
> skput:over". Sometimes this message is followed by a bunch of numbers,

Haven't you asked about this already?  It is a bug in 2.0.33 and earlier
kernels.  You can send a certain type of invalid packet to a Linux system
and it will crash.  NT has (had) the same problem but there is a fix for
it there as well.  Quake players love to do this, which is why it probably
happens to your Quake server all the time.  The bug is fixed in 2.0.34, or
you can download a patch for 2.0.33 and recompile it.  Simply install the
2.0.34 kernel, or get the Red Hat 5.1 distribution instead of 5.0.  It is
easy to do and will solve your problem.

Most people here will be happy to help you resolve your hardware issues,
if you tell us what they are.  But you must upgrade your kernel to solve
the crashing problem.  That is the only way to resolve it.

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