I have NEVER been able to get my RedHat (5.0) properly.

AMD K6 200 MHz, 32MB RAM, 4.3 GIG drive, V.90 modem, Cannon BJC-610
printer, print to parallel port 1 (LPT1)(/dev/lp1)

Any print job that requires a filter shows
Unrecoverable error: rangecheck in .putdeviceprops
(1488)op_array(458)0x8130244:Execution stack at 0x80f4310:
0x80fbc94: 0x0f oper --F---e-- 0x0000 0x08052f00 = %interp_exit
0x80fbc9c: 0x03 file --G-rxe-- 0x0001 0x081306b4
0x80fbca4: 0x05 mpry --G-rxe-- 0x0002 0x0813119c
0x80fbcac: 0x05 mpry --G-rxe-- 0x0039 0x081318f6

Attempted solutions:
Installed the new rhs-printfilter rpm available at redhat site.  Even
though I'm running 5.0, I installed the incremental update to no avail.

Other printer drivers were attempted, especially the ones that are
listed in the manual as being compatible with the Cannon BJC-610.  No
such luck.  They all failed in a similar manner. (I can elaborate to
interested parties)

Finally, I found a barely passable solution:
If I add an Epson Color Dot matrix printer (at 180 dpi, yucchy)

"lp      Epson Color Dot Matris, 24 pin on /dev/lp1 "

I can get a crummy-blocky-lookin scruffy 180 dpi image in color.

It sucks.

I want to use the full capabilities of my printer!  Waaaah!

Any ideas?

>rpm -qi rhs-printfilters

Name        : rhs-printfilters            Distribution: Manhattan
Version     : 1.44                              Vendor: Red Hat Software

Release     : 2                             Build Date: Fri May  8
12:36:38 1998
Install date: Mon Jun 29 21:12:08 1998   Build Host: porky.redhat.com
Group       : Utilities/System              Source RPM:
Size        : 90485
Packager    : Red Hat Software <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Summary     : Red Hat Print Filter System
Description :
The Red Hat print filter system provides an easy way to handle
the printing of numerous file formats. Meant primarily to be
used in conjuction with the Red Hat printtool.

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