On 29 Jun, Cory T. Lamb shaped the somewhat mellow bitstream to say: 
> Thanks to everybody who helped w/ the mail thread, now I'm looking for a
> howto on imap and a step by step on howto get it running.  Well if you've
> seen one let me know.
> Thanks,
> ~C
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Cory T. Lamb  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Media Lab Manager
> Information Media Services
> Bethel College
>                 \\|//
>                 (o o)
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~oOOo~(_)~oOOo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 
> *This message sent with 100 percent recycled electrons. 
> No french toast was created or destroyed in the process.*

If you're talking about the daemon that's easy... install it and it
runs... honest!

If you're talking about an IMAP client... pine will do it and xfmail
will do it... I think the mail client in Star Office will do it. 
Fetchmail supports it.  What are you looking for?


Chuck Mead
http://www.gnu-man.org (coming soon!)

Everything should be built top-down, except this time. 

- and -

Where are the calculations that go with a calculated risk?

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