I was checking out the website for the new PC game Unreal. Anyway, it has a
very advanced scripting language modeled on C++/Java. It sounds like it
would be an extremely customizable game engine for 3d games. After reading
the info, I though that this would be the perfect thing for Linux.

After reading a little further, the website (official website hosted by the
 developer) says that there has been some talk about porting the game to
Linux. They would like to make sure that there are enough people interested
in this, however. One enterprising Linux user has put up a website where
people can sign a petition to indicate that they would support a Linux port.

The address is:

Please, if you have any interesting in Linux gaming at all, go sign this
thing. It looks like the developers are ready and willing to port this
engine if they feel there is justified support for it. 

This is a particularly important port because it is not only a single game,
but a fully customizable cutting-edge 3d gaming engine. Using this engine
as a basis, the Linux community could now have its own new 3-d games
without patiently waiting for a new port of a Windows hit.

Anyway, it just seems like a good idea to me.


Thomas Hubbell  

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