
> #!/bin/sh
> # Script to allow remote users to remotely display X apps.
> # Call it rx or whatever.
> case $1 in
>         -h|--help|"") echo "Need X Program to run.. " 
>                 ;;
>         *) echo -n "Enter IP address to Display to: " ;
>                 read remoteIP ;
>                 $1 -display $remoteIP:0.0 &
to $*

>                 ;;
> esac
> # end script
> Now you can type "rx xterm" and it will ask for your IP or node name
> to display the session.
> Play with it.
> Have fun,
> Rick
> On Fri, 6 Mar 1998, Rodney O. Kerstetter wrote:
> >   Can you spawn a remote X session?  I have read the how-to's and found nothing.
> >  How is this done?  I would basically like to use my LAN server to run all the X
> > sessions for the nodes.  Thanks.
> > 
> >    - Rod

Sorry for the mistake,
Rick L. Mantooth        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If we aren't supposed to eat animals, why are they made with meat?

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