On Fri, 27 Mar 1998, Joe Klemmer wrote:
>That's basically like saying that an F-16 should be made as easy to use
>as a glider.

Careful.  There's a big difference between "being as easy to use" and
"being as capable as".  For instance, I'm sure the pilot of an F-16
wants the plane to be as easy to fly as possible to allow him/her to
concentrate on the engagement, not on the plane itself.  Converseley,
the pilot of an F-16 wants his plane *capable* of doing significantly
more than just glide.  =)

>Or something like a F1 racing car made to function like a peddle car.
>Yes, Linux or any UNIX can be used as a desktop OS but to expect the
>system to be labotomized for the sake of a functionality that it wasn't
>meant to perform as it's primary task is ridicules.

Putting aliases around commands isn't removing any functionality.

    Steve Coile

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