I agree with this completely.
We  *can* learn from MS
They produce a very successful OS, , it is popular, it sells, AND it dont work
If there is concern for getting Linux more into the main stream, if there is a
desire to have more software written and ported, then numbers of users is
Numbers of users will increase if vast numbers of people can both install and
use easily without having to -read- but only -refer- to a well written manual.

I have seen this myself in a number of instances quite recently.
There are many MS users unhappy with MS and very willing to switch to
something else.
When confronted with the installation and useage learning curve then they opt
to remain with MS.
Much HAS been done, Since my first 1994 Infomagic install there have been vast
improvements, some in this direction.
My feeling is there should be more done. How about some "express" type
installation that puts basics ( kernel, drivers, X, text editor , not vi! Word
processor , spreadsheet) in and they all work from the start. Some clean
desktop maybe fvwm95 because of its familiarity, and then leave all the other
software as optioanl additions.
With a simple gui during installation and well written online help during the
install process in words that  the average person can understand then maybe a
larger market would open.
Of course if we simply want to restrict Linux to Hi End systems, and jump down
peoples throats over ther ( I think ) valid comments, thats something else.


Edmunds, Keith wrote:

> Yes. Is it
> perfect? No. Are there lesson the Linux community can learn? YES YES
> YES. Take the best from every operating system you can find, where
> applicable, and don't be so naive as to assume that just because it
> comes from Microsoft you cannot learn anything from it.
> Keith
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