> Trying to get my SCSI Zip disk working with Redhat Linux v5.
> The problem is that I have a somewhat unusual configuration.

Why do you say that?  Looks pretty typical to me..

> I am using an Adaptec AVA1502AE ISA SCSI adapter using IRQ 12 at
> base address 0140h.

Ok, do you either have support in the kernel, or as a module?

> I think that I need to put something in the start-up config.
> file /etc/inittab in order to get the system to recognize
> the zip disk/scanner. What should it be?

No, not in inittab.  /etc/inittab controls /sbin/init, which handles the
various states of the machine, not which programs are being loaded.

You need to use /etc/conf.modules, assuming you have a standard RH kernel.
If you've recompiled your kernel, you need to go and add support for the
aha152x controller.  If you decide to add module support, add the
following to /etc/conf.modules:

alias scsi_hostadapter aha152x
options aha152x aha152x=0x140,12

Make sure there aren't lines that match these already, then just reboot.
If you've compiled your kernel, and installed your modules, correctly, it
should work fine.

> I assume that I need to edit /etc/fstab as well in order
> get the disk mounted. What should I put in there?

Once you have finished the previous step, /var/log/dmesg will contain
information about your new device.  Using this information, you can find
out what the name of the device is.  Typically it should be called
/dev/sda.  You can then use fdisk to configure the new disk.  Try "fdisk
-l /dev/sda" to get a listing of the partition information.

You should configure the partitions correctly, assuming you want to add a
Linux partition, and delete the existing DOS partition.  Otherwise
/dev/sda4 should be listed as the DOS partition.  You can then add this to
your /etc/fstab:

/dev/sda4       /mnt/zip        msdos   defaults        0 0

> Do I need to do anything else, or are my assumptions wrong?
> The HOWTOs onlt tell me how to use the ZIP Zoom SCSI adapter,

And the SCSI-HOWTO tells you how to use SCSI cards.

> I want to keep the system dual boot, Win95/Linux for the near
> future. The System is Intel Pentium 133 MHz PCI.

This has no effect on what you are doing now.


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