If memory serves.....

Going the "rescue" way, boot up with

boot: linux root=/dev/hda1     (old boot partition)
[may be boot: rescue linux root=/dev/hda1 ]

Sorry, been awhile.

Once you are up on your old hd, you can mount your NEW 
hd up under /mnt

Then, cp /mnt/etc/lilo.conf to a safe place and
vi /mnt/etc/lilo.conf
Make all /boot/...
and all /dev/...

lines read


save and exit.

Now run /sbin/lilo -h   for options

I think it was

/sbin/lilo -C /mnt/etc/lilo.conf
so Lilo will use the new version of lilo.conf and write to
your new drive.

I apologize for not giving better info, but can't remember
the specifics. I DO remember the aggravation/challenge ;)

(I used the tar thingy also)


On Thu, 4 Jun 1998, Chris Frost wrote:

> I tried booting off of the redhat boot disk, but put "linux root=/dev/hdc2
> initrc=" at the prompt (moved my new hd back to hdc of course). This got
> procded to mounting the root filsystem, and barfed at "Unable to open
> initial console" and rebooted. I said "ok"...and then tried setting up
> lilo on my current hd (hda, the one I want to rid myself of) w/ the root
> image on hdc2, but the same thing happend.
> I did a cd / ; tar -X /exclude.file - . |(cd /mnt/hdc ; tar -xvpf -) to
> copy the data, which looks fine when I look at it...I do have /boot on a
> seperate partition, but I don't think that's the problem either.
> Getting kind of tired of this,
> Chris
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Rick L. Mantooth        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Lead me not into temptation, I can find it myself.

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