On Fri, 6 Mar 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> OK, I have perused the archives, but I need to mount a Win95B partition
> (FAT32) from RH50. As far as I can determine, I have to apply some patch to
> the kernel and recompile.

> 1. Is this true?


> 2. Isn't RH sufficiently advanced and Win95 sufficiently common for this
> capability to be included?

Yes and no.  I don't think support for FAT32 was added to Windows '95
until fairly recently.  The patch appeared as fast as you could ask a
total stranger who was as you must realize doing you a big favor.

> 3. Does this patch come in an RPM?

There's one in contrib, but it is built for kernel 2.0.30.  Stop fretting 
about this right now!  This patching business is so easy you can't believe
it.  Go to


You have the kernel sources for some kernel between 2.0.31 and 2.0.33 (if 
not some of the numbers to follow will have to change).  Get patch-0.2.9
(fat32_joliet_nls_patch-0.2.9.gz).  Put it in /usr/src.  "gunzip" it.  
>From /usr/src, type

% patch -p0 < fat32_joliet_nls_patch-0.2.9

build your new kernel.  You must do your make config over, since the patch 
adds items.


Greg Fall

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