On Wed, 11 Mar 1998, Xun Cheng wrote:

> good question.
> Someone just wasted their time. But still appreciated,
> xun

If these are LIBC5 Based instead of the GLIBC ones already available for
RH 5.0 (Hurricane), then they are much appreciated?  Just this afternoon I
had to download the V3.3.2 S3 Server from XFree86's Home Site due to NO
non-GLIBC 3.3.2 RPMs being available on Red Hat's Server!

Thanks Mike!

Lawrence Houston  -  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

> From: Vidiot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: New XFree86 packages
> Date: Wed, 11 Mar 1998 17:28:34 -0600 (CST)
> In-Reply-To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> from "Mike Wangsmo" at Mar 
>11, 98 06:16:37 pm
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> What is the difference between these and the 3.3.2 RPMs that are already
> in the hurricabne area?
> MB
> -- 
> System Administrator - Finnigan FT/MS - Madison WI. URL:http://www.ftms.com/
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