> > > Am I the only one left in the English-speaking world who knows the difference
> > > between "its" and "it's"?
> >
> > Don't you have anything better to than pick-out grammatical errors? I
> > didn't join a Linux mailing list to hear about "its and it's"...
> Yes, I have many better things to do, but, as I am capable of executing many
> threads simultaneously, I felt that it was worth the time and effort to note, in
> public, that excellence in the use of language, arguably one's most valuable tool,
> is at least as important as excellence in the use of C or Linux or any other
> intellectual implement. As for what you joined the list for, well, perhaps a little
> tolerance and open-mindedness might be suggested. I do not object to the fact that
> 95% of the issues raised on this list are irrelevant to me. Why can't you try a
> similar attitude?

Two things: 1) "Tolerance and open-mindedness" on *your* part in the
first place might have moved you to "tolerate" the fact that someone
else made a mistake. Practice what you preach. 2) If you want to
continue bickering about this, take it off the list. The noise/signal
ratio you mention only deteriorates with this rubbish.

Fred W. Noltie Jr.
Criterion Consulting
Coon Rapids, MN USA

Running Linux 2.0.33

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