Something along the lines of rpm -e metroess ought to work for the uninstall of
Metrox. Then you'd do rpm -ivh Xfree86-xxxxxxxxx.rpm where "x" is your video
card type. Then you'd have to run Xconfig to set up your new X server for your
card and mouse and that'd be about it.
On 12-Mar-98 Bunting wrote:
> O.k. I'll give it a try.
> How do I switch from Metrox to XFree86 without re-installing Redhat.
> Is there a new XFree86 out. I think so.
> Thanks guys.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Larry Lade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Wednesday, March 11, 1998 10:14 PM
> Subject: Re: Graphics cards
>>>Right now I'm enterested in the Matrox Millenium II 4MB card.
>>>Is anyone getting trouble with the millenium card and MetroX server.
>>>Hey I only $175 to spend.
>>>Thanks Everyone
>>Well, my recommendation would be to stick with XFree86 on the Millennium.
>>On my Millennium (I, at least, maybe it's different with the II) I've
>>discovered that XF86 significantly outperforms MetroX. Although
>>Xconfigurator doesn't know how to do 1152 x 864 like MetroX does, so you
>>have to put in the modelines manually. And MetroX supports multiple
>>displays for the Milleniums (Millenia?).
>>In addition to having a somewhat slow redraw, MetroX was also giving me a
>>problem when switching to a virtual console, then back again. Switching to
>>XF86 eliminated this.
>>If you really want a good commercial X server, get Accelerated X. Although
>>since you're on a budget, this is probably out of the question. But really,
>>the only advantage I can see to using MetroX over XFree86 is that MetroX is
>>considerably easier to set up, and supports a few cards that XF86 doesn't>.
>>I'm fairly impressed with how good the XF86 Millenium server is, since it's
>>relatively young.
>>-- ----------------------------------------------------------
>>Larry Lade -
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