On Wed, Mar 11, 1998 at 02:13:41PM -0500, Robert Hailman wrote:
> As some of you know, I have been having great difficulty installing Linux
> onto my Windows 95 computer. So... looking for other ideas, I put together
> this wonderful strategy... using my old 286 case, I put my old 486SX/25 into
> a 486 motherboard. I buy 8MB ram, and a 3.5" drive as well as a 4X CD-ROM
> drive. On my pentium, I copy the autoboot files on the CD to a Dos boot
> disk, then I boot it up and install it that way on the 486. However, this
> strategy is much more expensive than my previous attemps. Can anyone tell me
> what the following will cost (total):
> 486 motherboard

If you can still get one, should be WELL under a hundred bucks.

> 8MB ram

Uh, dunno, but not much.

> 3.5" drive

A hard drive? or a floppy? You can get a floppy for 20 bucks or less,
or a gigabyte hard drive for around a hundred.

> 4X CD-Rom Drive

I recently bought an 8X Mitsumi FX810 via mail order for $47. Of course,
they charged 16 bucks for shipping and "handling", which I thought was
rather a rip.

> SVGA video card

ten to fifteen bucks for an el-cheapo with 256k of RAM.

Visit your local computer flea market and you should be able to get
outta there with change from two Ben Franklins.

---- Fred Smith -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ----------------------------
                       I can do all things through Christ 
                              who strengthens me.
------------------------------ Philippians 4:13 -------------------------------

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