>Use /dev/cua0
Echoing to cua0, rather than ttys0, no longer yields an input/output
error. The output, however, does not appear on the terminal which is
plugged into COM1. I have tried with and without a null modem connector
in series with the cable.
As a point of curriosity, what's the practical difference between ttys0
and cua0?
>put this in your /etc/inittab:
>s1:12345:respawn:/sbin/getty cua0
I tried running this command from the console first (to test it before
modifying how the system boots). Nothing appeared on the terminal, but
"local host login" appaared on the console.
Dave Mielke     | home: 1-613-726-0014 | Nortel Technologies   | dept: 7H65
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