Hello again...

> I'm working on modifying the answering machine scripts distributed
> with the voice-0.6 package; I'm giving it functionalities such as
> multiple  mailboxes, fax on request, solicited information access
> (hotline sort of theme), and perhaps a few others.

> Here's the deal.  I can't find a simple Voice AT command set ANYWHERE!

This was my yesterday's post.  I've already received 10 pages of documentation
about the AT commands, FOR USR, FOR X2 even!  
BIG, BIG thanks to  Nemeth Laszlo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

Thanks Again!

======================== Mike Wilkerson ==========================
"You cannot go on 'seeing through' things forever. The whole point
of seeing through something is to see something through it."
C.S. Lewis, "The Abolition of Man"

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