486? 8MB with 1MB SIMMs?!  Sounds like they're 30Pin...  If so, the
motherboard is bordering on obsolete...  You need to replace in sets
of 4, and they all have to be the same.  Namely, you may have 4 1 Megs
and 4 2 Meg SIMMs for a total of 12 MB.  Quite frankly, I don't know
where you would get 2 Meg 30 pin SIMMs anymore.  Actually, I'm not
sure they made those in a first place.  1 Meg may be the biggest
In my opinion, you'd be better served by going out and buying a new
-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Hailman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sunday, March 15, 1998 9:50 AM
Subject: SIMMs?

>Hello. As many of you know, I am building my own linux system. My
>dropped by with the 8MB Ram 486 motherboard, and to my dismay, it had
>slots, each filled with a 1MB SIMM. HELP!
>||  Robert Hailman   |    Stupidity is Win95,    ||
>||                   |    Stupidity is 0S/2,     ||
>||[EMAIL PROTECTED]|Stupidity is Linux on a 386||
>Version: 3.12
>GCS/E/O d-(+) s+: a? C++ UL? P+ L E? W++ N o K- w--- O- M-- V? PS+
PE-- Y
>PGP--- t++ 5-- X++ R- tv+ b+ DI++++ D++ G++ e h r++ y?
>------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
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