I'm running Redhat 5.0, 2.0.32 linux kernel, with a ne2000 compatible
network card.

        Tcp is for some reason broken on my machine.  The routing and
network device are configured correctly, but for some reason TCP doesn't
do anything.  To test that this was the problem, I wrote both
tcp and udp echo clients and servers.  Type a word on the client, the
server replies with the same word.  Tested them both on computers whose
networking worked, and then ran them on mine.  On mine, the udp echo
client worked, but the tcp echo client never got a reply.  Ping works,
talk requests get sent, but talk sessions can't be started up.  I set up
the networking and network device the same as on another computer with an
identical network card; the other computer works, mine doesn't.  If
anybody has a clue what's going wrong, any help would be appreciated.

Thanks much

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