I didn't know anyone still read Byte magazine. 

> Hi,
> did you read the article The Best OS for Web serving published on BYTE #3
> (March 1998)?
> I was very disappointed about it!
> I don't think that what the author did is a serious comparison and more
> this, the article was full of mistake!
> First of all the platform examined were very different in terms of
> number of CPU and architecture.
> Then, there was no real test considering number of hits or concurrent
> supported by each machine.
> Regarding Linux I was surprised about how many error you were able to put
> such few lines.... 
> as you all know:
> - Linux is NOT shareware: it is FREEWARE
> - Linux supports SMP since ages!
> - Linux runs on 64-bit platform very well!
> - As Digital Unix, Linux fully supports (and they are FREE!):Radius
>   autentication server, IMAP server, IRC server, LDAP server and more...
> - Netscape FastTrack server is NOT the only option: there is also Apache
>   (more than being the most apreciated web server on the Internet)
> with 
>   mod_perl or PHP allows to develop amazing web application with full
access to 
>   the most famous RDBMS. (SSL is easy also with Apache: Stronghold or    

>   Apache_ssl)
> - OpenLinux is NOT the only commercial Linux solution: there is also
RedHat and 
>   Suse which are really great product
> - PAM is available also on Linux!
> Many mistake were also present is the Solaris part... not to mention that
> the author forgot to say that every College student can easly crash a web
> server running on an NT box (even if it has SP4).
> I'm really wondering if who wrote the article has a true knowledge of
> I think that we (Linux users) should make them hear our voice writing
> hundreds of complaining e-mails ([EMAIL PROTECTED])...
> regards,
> Marco
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