There appears to be a bug in the resolver in libc-5.3.12.  When a
program uses gethostbyaddr() to do a reverse DNS lookup and that returns
a CNAME instead of a PTR, the gethostbyaddr returns "Host name lookup
failure" instead of following the CNAME and returning the cannonical
name or "Unknown host".  Using libc-5.4.44 or glibc gives the correct

The practice of having IN PTR records pointing to a CNAME is becoming
more common as more people delegate subnets to customers.  It is the
reccomended way of handling reverse DNS for subnets in the O'Reilly "DNS
& BIND" book.

The fact that Linux libc-5.3 can't handle such records (which other OSes
can handle) is breaking sendmail's spam blocking.  One of the options is
to deny mail from servers that don't have proper reverse DNS.  There are
mail servers out there that have a reverse DNS subnet delegated to them
through CNAME pointers, and they can't send mail through Linux libc-5.3
based servers such as Red Hat 4.x.

The "upgrade to Red Hat 5" isn't really a solution - I can't just turn
off the server for a few days to upgrade and test everything.  I think
there needs to be a new libc package for Red Hat 4.x that fixes this
bug.  It appears to be fixed in the latest libc-5 - libc-5.4.44.

If anyone is interested in this problem, I can send a little test
program that checks for this bug.
System Administrator - Renaissance Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.

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