Just installed all the various bits and pieces for RH 5.1 on two machines
that were previously running 5.0.

Very smooth upgrade...

I rebooted, the boxes came up fine, and one of them, being a server
started being used immediately.  People started downloading from it using
ftp, as they usually do.

On thing was, when I checked in the process listing, ftp was showing up as
"sendmail", as follows:

ftp        295  0.0  1.1  1360   756  ?  S   22:23   0:00 sendmail: proxy.cia.n
ftp        317  0.0  1.2  1376   772  ?  S   22:24   0:00 sendmail: new6as10.hu
ftp        434  0.0  1.2  1360   760  ?  S   22:34   0:00 sendmail: new5as8.hun

Odd huh?

The output of the an rpm query on what package is installed is as follows:

[root@mac /etc]# rpm -q wu-ftpd

A quick check in the updates directory shows nothing available to update
the one that came with the 5.1 CD

It's no big problem because people can still access the files as before,
but it was odd to see wu-ftpd acting like this...  :-)


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