My whole problem sprung from the need to print on a HP Deskjet 3320
under Linux.  I downloaded the most recent hpijs driver and all the
stuff for the specific printer, but it wouldn't eject the page after
printing.  I read that to make it do this, I had to upgrade to
ghostscript 7.05.  Here's what I thought:

Would installing Slackware 8.1 fix this problem by providing a more
current version of everything that RH7.3?  I would go buy something like
a new Debian or SuSE distro, (I've heard some pretty uncomplementary
reviews of RH8.0, mainly about it's lack of programs) but I'm a little
short on money and I already have the Slackware CD that I had
downloaded.  I think I could then install the RedHat packages I can't
live without from my RedHat CDs.  Sound good?

On Thu, 2003-01-02 at 06:10, Michael Schwendt wrote:

> Wrong question. ;)
> It looks like you try to install a GCC3-compiled Standard C++
> Library which requires both GCC 3 and a newer glibc. That won't work
> unless you upgraded several core components of your system (or
> installed GCC 3 and libs alongside GCC 2.96 and libs -- you can get
> such packages for Valhalla at Red Hat Network). A GCC3-compiled
> libstdc++ would be ABI-incompatible with the C++ ABI of Red Hat
> Linux 7.3 and hence cannot replace libstdc++-2.96-113.
> Btw, you can query dependencies with several RPM options, check out
> "man rpm" and "rpm --help".
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Things to say to those who cannot speak Latin,
 but insist upon inserting it into their every conversation:

"Veni, Vedi, Deleti" (I came, I saw, I deleted your files)

"Fac ut vivas" (Get a life)

"Catapultam habeo.  Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabris, ad caput tuum
 saxum immane mittam" 
(I have a catapult.  Give me all of your money, or I will fling 
an enourmous rock at your head)

"Braccae tuae aperiuntur" (Your fly is open)

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