I haven't tried enclosing the PHP code inside HTML tags, but if you see the actual code when loading an HTML page, this is a sure indication that the page is not being processed as a PHP page.


On Tuesday, January 7, 2003, at 08:42 AM, Francisco Neira wrote:

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Adam H. Pendleton wrote:
| I sort-of half-followed the previous "PHP doesn't work" thread on this
| list, but when I tried to load an index.php page today, I realized that
| out-of-the-box, PHP really doesn't work on RH 8.0. What's the deal? A
| full install of RH 8.0, with php and Apache, and NO changes to
| httpd.conf except one ScriptAlias, and an index.php containing only a
| "phpinfo();" doesn't get processed as a PHP file? Shouldn't this work,
| and if not, shouldn't RH have released a fix for this?
| ahp

Funny! Last weekend I followed every step to get LAMP working on a RH8.0
and as a test tried to load the following:

~ phpinfo();

The result I got was the program itself displayed in the browser window.
After a few hours checking the setup, I noticed that the way it worked
was enclosing the program in <HTML> and </HTML> labels.

Somebody could help solving the mistery? :-)


- --
Francisco Neira B. /~\ The ASCII
Administrador de Red \ / Ribbon Campaign
Defensoria del Pueblo X Against
Lima, Peru, -05:00 UTC / \ HTML Email
PGP Pub Key at http://portal.defensoria.gob.pe/~fneira/llavepublica.asc

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