On Fri, 2003-01-10 at 11:02, Alex wrote:
> I recently tried to install Redhat 8 on an old Pentium-75 Laptop with
> 24MB of RAM (its actually a TI Travelmate 5300).
> Since I don't have the CDROM, I copied all the ISO files to 10GB
> harddrive (of which at least 8GB should be accessible) and did a
> HardDrive install.
> Everything seemed to be working fine until the part where the installer
> attempts to detect the video card.  (Even though, I did a text based
> install).
> It comes back and says there is insufficient memory, reports an error,
> and stops.
> Does a TEXT based install of RedHat really require more than 24MB of
> Ram?
> My initial attempts of getting RedHat onto this laptop consisted of
> putting the laptop harddrive on my desktop, doing the install, and then
> moving the harddrive to the laptop.  This resulted in the laptop
> mysteriously rebooting after the grub screen.
> I guess I could use a different distribution, but I really like
> RedHat... Is there a way to make this work?
> Thanks
> -Alex

        I recently installed RH 8.0 text install, on an eMachine with 32 MB of
RAM.  The install went fine.  I believe I got an insufficient memory
error when I tried to run the graphic install.  It kept going, but
continued in text mode.  If you do Ctrl-Alt-Fn a couple times, there is
a screen that keeps track of what is happening during the install.  Does
that screen give any error messages?

Ian P. Thomas

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