On Mon, Jan 13, 2003 at 01:30:33PM -0800, Burke, Thomas G. wrote:
>       Well, as you probably know, DirecTV is stopping all operations... 
> In our area, we have 2 choices - Verizon (@$80/month), and Earthlink
> (through Covad @ $65/month)...  Easy choice, huh?


If you have the option of Earthlink/Covad (Earthlink as ISP, Covad as
the CLEC with equipment on the other end of your copper at the local
phone office) then can't you get Covad/Covad (Covad as ISP and Covad
as CLEC)?

If so, spend $5 more a month than Earthlink/Covad and go Covad/Covad
and get a static IP address and no blocked ports.  (Earthlink has been
known to block ports.)

>       Only problem is that I may need to change over to PPoE from
> DHCP.  I have a RH6.2 box.

Yes, the Covad Soho product is still PPoE, but it includes a physical
Zyxel router that does the PPoE for you.  Your computer gets DHCP and
NATing from the Zyxel.

> What do I need to do the switchover, should I need ot?

I think you can just plug in to the Zyxel.

> (Upgrading to 8.0 is _NOT_ an acceptable answer).

It is going to get harder and harder to keep 6.2 secure, Red Hat
appears to be on the brink of no longer producing patches...  I bought
8.0 this weekend (gotta support Red Hat every couple releases) and
installed it on the kitchen computer.  I can't get ntp to work
(couldn't before either) but so far it looks good.  If it keeps
pleasing I will put it on my notebook next.  My basement server is
still on 7.2, don't know when I will be upgrading it yet.

Disclaimer/Claimer: Though a coworker has had Covad soho service for a
few weeks now and is very happy with it, I use a different DSL
provider but I have put my money where my mouth is: I just so happened
to order Covad soho service earlier today.  (Luckily my current DSL is
on a different copper pair so I can have an overlap in service...if
nothing messes up.)

-kb, the Kent who doesn't like the blocked ports of his current
DSL--they are willing to unblock them but can't seem to figure out

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