On Mon, 2003-01-13 at 13:30, Burke, Thomas G. wrote:
>       Well, as you probably know, DirecTV is stopping all operations... 
> In our area, we have 2 choices - Verizon (@$80/month), and Earthlink
> (through Covad @ $65/month)...  Easy choice, huh?

Were you using DirecPC with Linux?  I'd like to hear about that.  I
found a driver for for one-way but nothing to support two-way comm over
the satellite (aside from buying a $1000 router).

>       Only problem is that I may need to change over to PPoE from DHCP.  I
> have a RH6.2 box.  What do I need to do the switchover, should I need
> ot?  (Upgrading to 8.0 is _NOT_ an acceptable answer).

rp-ppoe is easy to setup.  Install the rpm and run adsl-setup.  You
might need to manually edit /etc/sysconfig/ifcfg-ppp0 and change the
line PPPOE_TIMEOUT=30 to PPPOE_TIMEOUT=0.  The setup script doesn't seem
to do this (at least on 8.0, I don't recall having this problem on 7.2),
otherwise the connection gets closed every 30 seconds which can be
annoying ;)

Cliff Wells, Software Engineer
Logiplex Corporation (www.logiplex.net)
(503) 978-6726 x308  (800) 735-0555 x308

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