What version of Red Hat are you running.

The problem probably lies within the XF86config files but more information
is required.


>-- Original Message --
>Subject: display problem -resolution related?
>From: greg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: redhat list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: 14 Jan 2003 21:16:10 +1100
>when I initially installed red hat, I have the resolution set to
>1280x1024, but I found this a bit hard on the eyes (I'm a bit of a blind
>bugger).  I set it down to 1024x768 and am happy.  But what happens now
>is that icons, such as files saved to the desktop, are placed outside of
>the area displayed, almost as if it still thinks I have the higher
>resolution setting.  Only when I log out and log back in, do the icons
>then appear on the desktop.  Also, one program only that I know of,
>synaptic, when the resolution was set to 1280x1024, and I had it
>maximised on the last time I had it open, now opens too large to view on
>1024x768.  Half the programs window displays off the screen.  Has anyone
>else experienced this problem?
>regards Greg
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