I agree, so far I have found nothing about the voltage requirements for the SIMMs on the FIC website. I posted a tech support question about this yesterday, no reply, also posted a queston on their "forums" so far, no reply..

Maybe I need to go motherboard shopping...<sigh>


Cliff Wells wrote:

On Tue, 2003-01-14 at 14:05, John B. Moore wrote:

Thanks, that makes sense.. trouble is the Manual I have does not indicate the voltage for either the DIMM or the SIMMs.. I'll check the FIC website and see if there is more info on this..

That's what I love about manuals that come with most modern PC's. A
dearth of technical info, but lots of stuff about how to sit up straight
in your chair and take a break every 15 minutes.

Come to think of it, the breaks are inevitable if you're running
Windows: they could just tell you to take a break on every reboot <wink>

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