You have to set the Win98 machine up with Internet Connection Sharing ( Then, set whatever IP is assigned to the NIC card on the Win98 machine (it will set one up, or you can make your own up) as the gateway on you Linux machine ( These "howtos" will tell you that the internal ip's must be set too, but that's not the case. I'm doing this on my home network (just moved to a place where we don't have DSL, and the only modem we have is a freaking WinModem), and my internal IP's are set to (my birthday :).

Richardson, Robert wrote:
I have two PCs at home.
The first is a Compaq 5714 with Windows 98 SE and an internal modem.
The Compaq is used to get to the internet via an ISP.
The second is Dell Dimension XPS R450 without a modem.
The Dell has Windows 2000 on one disk and RH 8.0 on a second disk.

How can I configure Linux on the second PC to connect to and use the first PC
to get to the internet/telnet?

By the way each machine have ethernet NICs.


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