I have a laptop, Dell Inspiron 8000.  I've purchased two HDs for it.  Like all laptops I only have one HD in the laptop at a time.  I
originally installed RH7.3 on one of these HDs and everything works fine.  Well, I had the need to install RH7.3 on the second HD.
Upon completing the install, I checked my networking and received the following results.
  • I can ping anyone by IP number.  This includes computers on my home network as well as on the Web.  The response time is normal and correct.
  • I can ping computers on my home network by name and the lookup is from the 'hosts' file.
  • I cannot ping computers on the Web from this machine.  The ping times out and I receive a message stating the web address was not reachable.
  • Also, when I try to ssh into other machines on my home network by hostname there is a large delay time.  When I conduct an ssh by IP number the delay disappears.

Since I had an identical working install of RH7.3 working.  I begin
swapping the network configuration files from the working
version to the nonworking version.  These files include  /etc/hosts,
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 and /etc/resolv.conf.  To
no avail, I still have the same problem.  Does anyone have a clue?

Since the original install of RH7.3 I increased the amount of memory in the Inspiron from two 128MB bars to two 256MB bars.

This one has me stumped.  Any help will be appreciated.

Best Regards,

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